calendar>>April 14. 2016 Juche 105
Group and Separate Performances of Art Festival Held
Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- Group and separate performances of the 30th April Spring Friendship Art Festival took place at theaters here on Thursday.

The performances showed ardent reverence of people for Marshal Kim Jong Un who is successfully carrying forward the revolutionary cause of Juche and Songun of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il who made great contribution to accomplishing the cause of global independence and developing friendly relations among countries.

Put on the stages were colorful numbers reflecting the boundless reverence and feelings of yearning for the great men. They showed the will of foreign and overseas Korean artistes to turn the art festival praising the sun into the large flower garden of mankind art.

The participants in the festival put on the stages piano concerto "Juche" with gem-like poetic language and beautiful melodies in praise of the President who provided the guiding idea in the era of independence with his energetic ideological and theoretical activities.

The artistes impressively represented with their rich voice, refined rendition and ensemble the desire and aspiration of the people to enjoy an independent and creative life to their heart's content and live happily in a new world free from war and subordination in the idea of independence, peace and friendship.

Put on the stages were such colorful numbers as songs, dances and instrumental music reflecting the patriotism of the peoples of different countries and their traditional way of life.

Acrobats put on the stages various works reflecting the human being's inexhaustible creative power, wisdom, bravery and boldness, optimism and spirit.

The performances go on.

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