calendar>>April 14. 2016 Juche 105
National Meeting Marks 104th Birth Anniversary of Kim Il Sung
Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- A national meeting took place at the Pyongyang Indoor Stadium on Thursday to celebrate the 104th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung (the Day of the Sun).

Present there were Kim Yong Nam, Hwang Pyong So, Pak Pong Ju and other leading officials of the party, state and army, the chairperson of a friendly party, members of the party central leadership organ in Pyongyang, officials of the party and armed forces organs, ministries and national institutions, service personnel of the Korean People's Army and the Korean People's Internal Security Forces, officials of institutions and industrial establishments in the city, those related to revolutionary activities of the great leaders, those who had the honor of being received by the great leaders, bereaved families of revolutionary martyrs, working people, overseas Koreans' delegations, overseas Koreans and the chief of the Pyongyang mission of the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front.

Present there on invitation were foreign diplomatic envoys, representatives of international organizations and military attaches of foreign embassies here and foreign guests.

Kim Yong Nam, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, made a report at the meeting.

The reporter said that April 15 when President Kim Il Sung was born is the most significant and greatest auspicious day for the party, the country and the people and a revolutionary holiday common to mankind which will shine forever with the century.

Kim Il Sung was the most prominent leader and peerlessly great man who is always alive in the hearts of the Korean people and other progressive people of the world, the reporter noted, referring to the exploits performed by him on behalf of the country and its people, times and history.

The reporter went on to say:

From the very day he started the revolution he clarified the revolutionary principle that a revolution should be made independently and creatively by believing in the strength of the people and relying on them and the independence and sovereignty of the nation and the victory of the revolutionary cause are guaranteed by arms of revolution, thereby founding the immortal Juche idea, Songun idea.

He made an overall clarification of the theoretical and practical issues arising at every stage of revolution and construction and in all their fields, exploring new areas in the development of revolutionary idea and enriching the ideological and moral treasure house of mankind.

After the liberation of Korea he founded the party, state and army on the basis of the experience and traditions established during the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle.

It was thanks to his Songun leadership that the servicepersons and people of the DPRK defeated the most ferocious enemies, U.S. and Japanese imperialists, and emerged the permanent masters of their destiny and won successive victories in the protracted fierce confrontation with the U.S. imperialists.

He laid down an original line of socialist construction and led the two-stage social revolution and socialist construction to victory, freeing the Korean people from exploitation and oppression for good and building a socialist power independent in politics, self-supporting in economy and self-reliant in national defence.

He perfectly settled the issue of succession to the revolution fundamental to carrying forward the revolutionary cause.

Thanks to his advancement of the three charters for national reunification, a firm foundation was laid for the Korean people in the north, the south and abroad to form a powerful driving force for the national reunification and terminate foreign interference by the concerted efforts of the nation and bring earlier the independent reunification of the country.

He conducted energetic external activities, making an immortal contribution to the development of the world socialist movement, victory in the cause of independence against imperialism, the establishment of independent and fair international relations and global peace and security.

The reporter stressed the need to hold the great leaders Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il in high esteem as the sun of Juche for all ages and successfully carry forward and accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche generation after generation under the leadership of Marshal Kim Jong Un.

The service personnel and people of the DPRK will frustrate all sorts of challenges and moves of the anti-reunification forces inside and outside Korea and build a highly dignified prosperous reunified powerful country on this land under the banner of By Our Nation Itself, true to the noble patriotic will and behests of the great leaders, the reporter said, adding:

The DPRK will boost its foreign relations in the idea of independence, peace and friendship, protect the peace and stability in Asia and other parts of the world as a responsible nuclear weapons state and positively promote the cause of global independence.

Similar meetings took place in provinces, cities, counties and complexes that day.

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