calendar>>April 15. 2016 Juche 105
Congratulatory Message to Kim Jong Un from C.C., AINDF
Pyongyang, April 15 (KCNA) -- Supreme leader Kim Jong Un received a congratulatory message from the Central Committee of the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front (AINDF) on April 15, the Day of the Sun (the birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung).

The congratulatory message said that the President was born in Pyongyang, the holy city of the nation, on April 15, Juche 1 (1912) and explored the road for the era of independence, weathering the stern tempest of history and led it to victory. The more than eight decades-long life of the President is shining as the sacred one of the distinguished leader, peerless patriot and great revolutionary who adorned the 20th century as the victorious one of the socialist cause and the cause of independence against imperialism, enjoying absolute support and trust from the people, the message noted, and went on:

Now the DPRK is basked in the glow of world attention as a powerful socialist fortress which is dignified with independence, remains rich and strong thanks to self-support and emerges victorious thanks to self-defence and the people-centered socialist country envied by all people. This is the precious fruition of the outstanding leadership of the great President who devoted himself to the victory of the revolution only.

The idea and cause of the fatherly President were successfully carried forward thanks to ardent loyalty, scientific wisdom and enthusiastic leadership of the great General Kim Jong Il. Now the DPRK is greeting a new era of leap forward thanks to you respected Marshal Kim Jong Un, another peerlessly great man acclaimed by the Korean nation.

Under the leadership of you, the best in idea and leadership, personality and virtues, the DPRK is demonstrating before the world the might of single-mindedly united politico-ideological power, matchless military power with the strongest nuclear deterrence and youth power without an equal in the world. Under the unfurled banner of the principle of giving priority to self-development the DPRK has ushered in a fresh Mallima era doing 10 years' work in one year and is bringing about epoch-making miracles and dramatic changes in building a socialist economic giant and a highly civilized nation.

The prospect of the cause of national independence is bright and the historic day when all Koreans would enjoy all blessings in the dignified, prosperous and reunified country is sure to dawn as there are precious patriotic legacy of the peerlessly great men of Mt. Paektu for reunification and the great programme for independent reunification advanced by you Marshal Kim Jong Un, the illustrious commander of Mt. Paektu.

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