calendar>>April 15. 2016 Juche 105
Koreans in Japan Meet to Celebrate Day of Sun
Tokyo, April 15 (KNS-KCNA) -- There took place a meeting of Koreans in Japan at the Korean Hall of Culture in Tokyo on April 14 to celebrate the 104th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung (the Day of the Sun).

Ho Jong Man, chairman of the Central Standing Committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon), in a report said that Marshal Kim Jong Un sent educational aid fund and stipends amounting to 218. 8 million yen to the Chongryon on the occasion of the Day of the Sun.

He extended the greatest and highest thanks to Kim Jong Un reflecting the loyalty of all the officials of Chongryon, Koreans in Japan and teaching staff and all students of Korean University.

He praised the great Generalissimo Kim Il Sung's revolutionary career and feats, adding:

His undying idea, feats and warm patriotism and compatriotic feeling were steadily carried forward by the great Generalissimo Kim Jong Il, throwing more bright rays.

The Juche cause and the Juche-based overseas compatriots movement have entered a new historic stage under the leadership of Kim Jong Un.

The reporter called upon all the officials of Chongryon and Koreans in Japan to turn out as one in the drive to defend and glorify the great leaders' idea of the Juche-based overseas compatriots movement and leadership feats and usher in a fresh heyday of the movement of Koreans in Japan.

A letter to Kim Jong Un was read out at the meeting.

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