calendar>>April 15. 2016 Juche 105
Dancing Parties of Youth and Students Held
Pyongyang, April 15 (KCNA) -- Dancing parties of youth and students took place across the DPRK on Friday, the Day of the Sun (the birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung).

Dancing parties started to the tune of the song "Let's Sing of the Day of the Sun" at the plazas of the Monument to Party Founding, the Pyongyang Indoor Stadium and the Arch of Triumph and other venues in Pyongyang.

They presented dances, looking back on the revolutionary career of the President who dedicated himself to the prosperity of the country, happiness of its people, bright future of the younger generation, regarding it as his motto to believe in the people as in Heaven.

The rhythmic songs "We Will Devote Our Youth to the Country" and "Youth and Courage" were played to rev up the festive atmosphere.

Similar dancing parties took place in provinces, cities and counties on the same day.

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