calendar>>April 16. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Newspapers Warn Park Geun Hye
Pyongyang, April 16 (KCNA) -- Kyunghyang Daily News of south Korea in an editorial on April 14 reported about the "Saenuri Party's" heavy defeat at the puppet National Assembly election.

The party failed to hold the majority of the seats at the "National Assembly", the editorial said, and went on:

The "National Assembly" in which the ruling party holds minority while the opposition party majority has appeared and Park Geun Hye has become unable to avoid the paralysis of ruling power.

The people's mindset sternly punished the Park Geun Hye regime which deteriorated the people's livelihood and democracy.

Kukmin Ilbo on the same day said that the people dealt severe punishment to the Park regime by acquiring majority seats at the "National Assembly" to pull down the ruling party from the position of the No. 1 party

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