calendar>>April 16. 2016 Juche 105
Park Geun Hye Group Bound to Meet Final End: CPRK Secretariat
Pyongyang, April 16 (KCNA) -- As reported, the "Saenuri Party" of south Korea, the conservative ruling party, suffered a heavy defeat and the opposition forces held the overwhelming upper hand at the puppet "National Assembly" election held in south Korea on April 13.

To say nothing of the majority seats touted by the coteries of the "Saenuri Party", they lost the position of the No.1 party at the "National Assembly" and suffered defeat even in Seoul and the areas they described as power bases, becoming a mourning house.

The Secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea (CPRK) in information bulletin no. 1104 on Saturday said this is a resolute and stern punishment to Park Geun Hye and the coteries of the "Saenuri Party" going against the south Korean people's mindset and the trend of the times. The bulletin said:

In the past puppet presidential election the Park group seized power with such deceptive commitments as "people's integrity", "era of people's happiness" and "improvement of south-north relations through trust".

But the Park group has persisted in revival of "yusin" dictatorship, unpopular rule, confrontation with compatriots in the north and war moves.

The fascist dark society where even the elementary democratic freedom and rights are trampled down and veritable hell where economy and people's living have been driven into the worst catastrophic phase and huge disastrous incidents, crimes and fin desiecle way of life are prevalent--this is the miserable state of south Korea.

This time the south Korean people gave vent to the resentment at the Park group of traitors and dealt a deadly sledge hammer to the traitorous regime.

Park and the "Saenuri Party" sternly punished by the people's mindset have no future and are bound to meet the final ruin.

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