calendar>>April 18. 2016 Juche 105
Cambodian King, Great Queen Send Large Floral Baskets to DPRK Embassy
Pyongyang, April 18 (KCNA) -- Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni and Great Queen Norodom Monineath Sihanouk sent large floral baskets to the DPRK embassy in Phnom Penh on April 13 in celebration of the birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung (the Day of the Sun).

Upon authorization of the king and the great queen, a delegation of the Cambodian Ministry of Royal Palace led by Kong Sam Ol, deputy prime minister for Royal Palace and chairman of the Cambodian preparatory committee for the Day of the Sun, laid the large floral baskets before the portraits of smiling Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il and paid tribute to them.

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