calendar>>April 18. 2016 Juche 105
Nonferrous Ore Production Goes Up in DPRK
Pyongyang, April 18 (KCNA) -- The output of nonferrous minerals is increasing at mines and industrial establishments in the Tanchon area of the DPRK.

The area is the nation's major nonferrous ore producer with a world-leading magnesite production base.

The Komdok Mining Complex in the area has made record high in the production of lead and zinc ores in ten years.

The Tanchon Smeltery boosted the electrolytic zinc production 1.5 times after the start of the 70-day campaign.

The Taehung Youth Hero Mine and Ryongyang and Paekbawi mines have daily produced several hundred more tons of magnesite than scheduled.

Meanwhile, the production of quality light burned magnesia and magnesia clinker went up 1.2 times.

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