calendar>>April 18. 2016 Juche 105
Korean Media Man in U.S. on Defeat of Park Geun Hye Forces in "National Assembly" Election
Pyongyang, April 18 (KCNA) -- An article posted on Minjok Thongsin, an internet paper of Koreans in the U.S., commented on the ruling "Saenuri Party's" heavy defeat in the "National Assembly" election in south Korea. It was contributed by Son Se Yong, member of its editorial board.

Public sentiments critical of the Park Geun Hye forces were manifested in the election, the article noted, adding:

If the ruling "Saenuri Party" persists in its arrogant behavior, the present regime will not be able to serve the full term of its office.

Park and the ruling party should roll back their treacherous policies characterized by illegal suppression, irregularities and corruption, submission to the U.S. and confrontation with the compatriots in the north.

They should neither accuse the compatriots in the north nor solicit pressure upon them, touring foreign countries, but take the road of achieving national independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity.

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