calendar>>April 19. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Accused of Spouting Bellicose Remarks against DPRK
Pyongyang, April 19 (KCNA) -- Shortly ago, traitor Ri Sun Jin, chairman of the puppet Joint Chiefs of Staff of south Korea, hosted a video meeting of commanding and staff officers at the operation command of the puppet navy. There, he spouted such rubbish as "threat from the north", crying out for "doing all the best" to "early detect and destroy enemy warships."

Traitor Ri went so far as to talk about "reckless provocation" and "resolute punishment" at the submarine command and special warfare drill ground, inciting his inferiors to military provocation against the DPRK.

Commenting on this, Rodong Sinmun Tuesday says:

What the traitor spouted can not but be viewed as hysterics of the one shocked by the surprising events demonstrating the tremendous might of the powerful revolutionary Paektusan army.

Traitor Ri had better look back upon what ignominious defeats his U.S. master has sustained in the showdown with the DPRK before spouting nonsense about "provocation" and "punishment."

The war maniacs of the south Korean puppet military should drop their foolish dream to browbeat the DPRK.

The invincible revolutionary Paektusan army has already clarified its will to mercilessly punish the Park Geun Hye group of traitors which committed unpardonable thrice-cursed crimes by dint of Songun.

If the south Korean military gangsters persistently run amuck to make a provocation, they will never be able to evade miserable ruin.

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