calendar>>April 19. 2016 Juche 105
Japan's Assertion for "Dominium" over Tok Islets Is Theory of Reinvasion of Korea: Rodong Sinmun
Pyongyang, April 19 (KCNA) -- Japan specified the "dominium" over Tok Islets in the diplomatic blue book for this year.

Rodong Sinmun Tuesday in a commentary terms this a despicable action to realize centuries-long invariable ambition to grab the territory.

Japan's territorial "claim" to Tok Islets full of fabrication is, in essence, the theory of reinvasion of Korea, the commentary notes, adding:

The Japanese militarists can neither exist nor grow corpulent without aggression and plunder.

The Japanese reactionaries have become undisguised in the moves to stage overseas aggression under the pretext of "proactive pacifism".

The DPRK is the first target of their overseas expansion, reinvasion.

From a historical point of view, Japan designated Korea, the gateway to the Asian continent, as the first target of aggression and plunder.

Japan is working hard to grab the Korean peninsula, but it is no more than a pie in the sky.

The attempt to grab Tok Islets would lead Japan to self-destruction by putting it into danger.

The Japanese ruling forces would be well advised to cool their heads overheated with the moves to grab the territory and behave with discretion.

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