calendar>>April 19. 2016 Juche 105
Women's Union Urges Park Geun Hye Group to Send DPRK Abductees back Home
Pyongyang, April 19 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Central Committee of the Democratic Women's Union of Korea released a statement Tuesday in denunciation of the Park Geun Hye group's unethical terrorist act of alluring and abducting in group the woman employees of the DPRK who were working at a restaurant overseas and taking them to south Korea.

It does not make sense to say that they "escaped in group" from the DPRK to south Korea out of "yearning" for it, a land recognized as a veritable hell in the world, the statement said.

Vehemently denouncing in the name of all the women in the northern half of Korea the shuddering group abduction committed by the Park Geun Hye group of traitors as another hideous provocation and a wanton violation of the dignity and sovereignty of the DPRK, the statement continued:

The Park group should clearly understand that it is a suicidal act little short of ramming one's head into a rock to try to undermine the single-minded unity of the DPRK and bring down its socialist system centred on the popular masses by resorting to all kinds of mean and despicable conspiratorial acts and plots.

The Park group of traitors must apologize before the Korean nation and the world for the group abduction of the women of the DPRK and unconditionally send them back to the embrace of the DPRK and sternly punish those involved in the crime and those who manipulated it backstage.

We expressed hope that women of various countries of the world valuing justice, human rights and independent life and human conscience would denounce the Park group's terrorist act and human rights abuses and render active cooperation for the return of the abducted DPRK citizens to the embrace of their kinsmen without delay.

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