calendar>>April 20. 2016 Juche 105
Events in Nigeria Observe Day of Sun
Pyongyang, April 20 (KCNA) -- The Day of the Sun, birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung, was celebrated in Nigeria.

Korean photo and book exhibitions and film shows were held at Kim Jong Il Library in Enugu State, the Ministry of Rural Development in Zamfara State, Parida Hospital and Zurumi Hospital in Zamfara State, Deola Segoe Co. Ltd. in Lagos, Lokana Co. Ltd. in Enugu State, Nagari Ala Magani Hospital in Nasarawa State and a construction company between March 21 and April 7.

Displayed at the venues of the photo and book exhibitions were photos documenting the exploits of President Kim Il Sung, leader Kim Jong Il and Marshal Kim Jong Un and their works, and books and photos introducing the DPRK.

Films shown included Korean films "Song of the Sun Will Resound Forever", "The Tower of the Juche Idea" and "The International Friendship Exhibition House".

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