calendar>>April 20. 2016 Juche 105
Park Geun Hye Group's Suppression of Jongyojo under Fire
Pyongyang, April 20 (KCNA) -- Some days ago, the south Korean puppet Ministry of Education issued an instruction banning schools' use of the reference book made by the Teachers Union (Jongyojo) on the lapse of the two years since the ferry Sewol sinking case under the pretexts that "it described the chief executive as a monster" and carried "a groundless suspicion" about the case. And the ministry threatened that it would strictly deal with the activities of the organization to teach children the truth so that they may not forget the lesson drawn from of the ferry disaster. The ministry is running the whole gamut of base and clumsy methods to suppress the organization. It is checking the banking transaction of Jongyojo and forcing it to unconditionally dismiss its chairman and officials.

Rodong Sinmun Wednesday observes in a commentary in this regard:

Such ceaseless actions of the puppet authorities against Jongyojo are heinous fascist actions to completely stifle Jongyojo.

The puppet Ministry of Education is busy persecuting and suppressing Jongyojo because it is positively struggling to teach the children the truth without leaving schools which represent justice and conscience, standing against Chongwadae's campaign to tamper with history, the commentary says, and goes on:

It is a wicked scenario of the Park Geun Hye group of traitors to completely disband Jongyojo in a bid to keep the truth of their unpopular criminal acts buried into oblivion forever and totally stamp out justice and patriotism.

The fascists' crackdown at the point of bayonet is by no means an all-powerful means of rule.

No ferocious dictator can overpower the might of the popular masses aspiring after justice and standing against the treacherous rule.

Such bete noire, nation's trouble maker as traitor Park is only fated to go to a grave of history.

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