calendar>>April 20. 2016 Juche 105
Minju Joson Discloses Aim Sought by Japan in Its Moves for Nuclear Weaponization
Pyongyang, April 20 (KCNA) -- The Japanese government at a recent Cabinet meeting decided on a statement that "Article 9 of Constitution does not ban the possession and use of all nuclear weapons in the main."

Minju Joson Wednesday in a commentary says that this statement openly reveals the ulterior intention of the Japanese reactionaries to go nuclear as early as possible.

Japan has so far often called for "peace against nuclear weapons" after adopting it as its "state policy" to maintain "three non-nuclear principles", but behind the scene it has made desperate efforts to make it a legal policy to have access to nuclear weapons, the commentary notes, and goes on:

The Japanese reactionaries have not only talked about their nuclear weaponization but actually buckled down to putting the plan into practice.

Japan has become all the more vocal in the new century in its call for nuclear weaponization.

It has stockpiled 11 tons of plutonium in its land and 36 tons of reprocessed plutonium in Britain and France. This amount is enough for making 6,000 A-bombs.

Clear is the aim sought by Japan in stockpiling huge weapon-grade nuclear substances and in acquiring nuclear weapons manufacturing technology and delivery means. The true aim sought by the Japan is to get itself fully ready for going nuclear and to emerge as a nuclear weapons state when time comes.

What should not be overlooked is that the Japanese reactionaries have made the nuclear weaponization a priority in realizing their wild ambition for militarist overseas aggression.

It is as clear as pikestaff that if Japan, which perpetrated so many crimes and suffered a defeat in the Second World War, launches reinvasion with nuclear weapons, not only Asia but the rest of the world will face a nuclear disaster.

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