calendar>>April 22. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Il Sung's Exploits Praised by Foreign Bodies
Pyongyang, April 22 (KCNA) -- Foreign bodies posted on their websites special write-ups from March 30 to April 2 to observe the birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung (the Day of the Sun).

The Brazilian Committee for Remembering Leader Kim Jong Il posted on its website articles titled "Kim Il Sung, great man of the century" illustrated with a portrait of smiling Kim Il Sung.

The articles gave a detailed account of his exploits, saying that he is being revered by the world progressive people as the eternal sun.

They referred to what famous foreign figures who admired his noble traits told about him.

The Agence Congolaise d'Information featured the articles titled "Sunny smile" and "DPRK is full-fledged space power" illustrated with a portrait of smiling Kim Il Sung and a photo of supreme leader Kim Jong Un and the Peru-Korea Institute of Culture and Friendship posted articles titled "Kim Il Sung, eternal sun".

A Slovenian preparatory committee for celebrating the Day of the Sun and the Day of the Shining Star (the birth anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il) posted an article titled "President Kim Il Sung and a Japanese" telling the story that he met a Japanese media person and showed warm loving care for him.

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