calendar>>April 22. 2016 Juche 105
North Phyongan, North Hamgyong Provincial, Nampho City Conferences of WPK Take Place
Pyongyang, April 22 (KCNA) -- The North Phyongan, North Hamgyong Provincial and Nampho City Conferences of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) took place on the spot.

The conferences were attended by delegates elected by the party organizations at all levels in the provinces.

All the participants paid silent tribute to President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il.

The conferences elected their executives.

They reviewed the work done by the provincial party committees.

Kim Nung O, chief secretary of the North Phyongan Provincial Committee of the WPK, Jon Sung Hun, chief secretary of the North Hamgyong Provincial Committee of the WPK, and Kang Yang Mo, chief secretary of the Nampho City Committee of the WPK, made reports.

The conferences unanimously called on party organizations at all levels to conduct ceaseless political and ideological work to give full play to the mental power of the party members and other working people all out in the day-and-night 70-day campaign and thus significantly greet the Seventh Congress of the WPK with the honor of being victors.

They discussed and decided the tasks for enhancing the militant function and role of party organizations to thoroughly establish the party's monolithic leadership system and make great innovations and leap forward in all fields and units.

The conferences reviewed the work of the provincial party auditing commissions and elected the leadership bodies of the provincial party committees.

There took place the election of delegates and nomination of observers to the Seventh Congress of the WPK.

The conferences courteously proposed to elect Marshal Kim Jong Un as delegate to the Seventh Congress of the WPK.

Decisions on electing Kim Jong Un as delegate to the Seventh Congress of the WPK were adopted at the conferences with a unanimous approval.

The delegates and observers to the Seventh Congress of the WPK were elected and nominated at the conferences.

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