calendar>>April 25. 2016 Juche 105
Russian Newspapers Praise Kim Il Sung and WPK
Pyongyang, April 25 (KCNA) -- Russian newspapers made special write-ups on the occasions of the birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung and the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK).

They carried portraits of smiling Kim Il Sung and his photos, and photos of Marshal Kim Jong Un.

Argumenti Nejelli on April 7 carried an article titled "Sunny smile", which introduced with backup materials that his smile represents his satisfaction and pride as human being and statesman and his confidence and optimism about the rosy future of socialist Korea.

Nidjegorodskaya Pravda on the same day cited the facts on the President's personality as a popular leader in an article titled "Day of Sun, birth anniversary of Comrade Kim Il Sung, benefactor of national liberation and eternal President of DPRK".

The 14th issue of Novaya Gazetta and the 15th issue of Veteran carried articles titled "Banner of independence" and "Judgment by history" praising the President's contribution to the cause of global independence.

The 13th issue of Konkurent said in article titled "Invincible Workers' Party of Korea" the WPK is recognized by the world people as the powerful party which knows no failure and setback despite turns and twists.

The April 14th issue of Pravda Primoriya carried an article titled "With line of socialism", which said the socialist line of the President was maintained by leader Kim Jong Il and is now being carried forward by Marshal Kim Jong Un.

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