calendar>>April 25. 2016 Juche 105
Newspapers Praise Feats Performed by Peerlessly Great Persons of Mt. Paektu in Building Army
Pyongyang, April 25 (KCNA) -- Leading newspapers here Monday dedicate editorials to the 84th founding anniversary of the Korean People's Army.

The editorials say that the founding of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army by President Kim Il Sung on April 25, Juche 21 (1932) was a historic event to be specially recorded in the history of building the revolutionary armed forces.

The founding of the revolutionary armed forces of Juche made it possible to fully ensure the leader's guidance over the overall Korean revolution and provided a sure political and military guarantee for triumphantly advancing the revolutionary cause of Juche and Songun, the newspapers note.

Rodong Sinmun says the Korean People's Army (KPA) having the anti-Japanese legendary hero as its supreme commander has demonstrated its might as the powerful revolutionary Paektusan army in terms of idea, spirit, mode of activities and fighting method since its birth. It goes on:

The President's idea of building the army and his leadership over it served as guidelines and lifeline for all military and political activities of the KPA and his warm comradeship and love for comrades-in-arms were the basic source of bolstering up its combat capability.

Leader Kim Jong Il was the peerlessly brilliant commander as he developed the KPA into the army of the leader and the party both in name and reality with his outstanding and tested Songun politics and Songun revolutionary leadership.

His Songun leadership for more than half a century was characterized by his most ardent loyalty and moral sense of obligation towards the President and adorned with the legendary stories about how he ushered in a great heyday of increasing the military muscle by successfully carrying forward the feats the President performed in building the army.

The heroic KPA is now strikingly demonstrating its might as the army devotedly defending the leader at all times and the invincible army of the party as it is under another peerlessly illustrious commander.

Minju Joson says the glorious history of the Korean revolutionary armed forces is brilliantly recorded with the undying feats of the illustrious commanders of Mt. Paektu. It is the great pride and honor of the Korean people to have the powerful revolutionary Paektusan army which has grown to be a pillar and a main force of the Juche revolution and is fully demonstrating its might before the whole world, the newspaper concludes.

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