calendar>>April 25. 2016 Juche 105
Minju Joson Ridicules Anti-DPRK Confab of Hostile Forces
Pyongyang, April 25 (KCNA) -- The Park Geun Hye group of traitors held a consultation of vice foreign ministers with its masters the U.S. and Japan in Seoul recently. Here they discussed the issue of ratcheting up "sanctions" against the DPRK, escalating the moves "to isolate and suffocate it" and boosting cooperation in this campaign.

Minju Joson Monday in a commentary terms this a futile anti-DPRK confab of the hostile forces taken aback by the spirit of the DPRK on which neither sanctions nor pressure are workable.

The DPRK's nuclear deterrent for self-defense has grown incomparably stronger and grand monumental structures are springing up thanks to it and miracles and great achievements are being registered in the drive for improving the people's living standard and building an economic giant despite the above-said sanctions and moves, the commentary notes, and goes on:

Such being a hard reality, the Park Geun Hye group is desperately crying out for "more closely tightening the noose of sanctions" by throwing the network of "harshest sanctions" and "blockade" in a bid to thoroughly deter the economy of the DPRK from recovering. This is no more than hysteric fit of those who are unable to know anything about the source of the inexhaustible strength of the DPRK and psychopaths going reckless after failing to attain their sinister purpose.

No matter what sanctions the south Korean puppet forces are slapping against the DPRK in a bid to isolate and stifle it in league with their masters the U.S. and Japan, they can never block the dynamic advance of Juche Korea and this will reinforce the will of all its service personnel and people to deal merciless retaliatory blows at them.

The U.S. imperialists, the Japanese reactionaries and the Park group of traitors would be well advised to properly know who their rival is. They had better stop acting rashly, not forgetting even a moment that their anachronistic moves for isolating and stifling the DPRK would only precipitate their self-destruction.

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