calendar>>April 25. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Il Sung's Feats for Bolstering DPRK's Defence Capability
Pyongyang, April 25 (KCNA) -- Today marks the 84th anniversary of the Korean People's Army.

On this occasion the DPRK people look back on the undying feats President Kim Il Sung performed to bolster up the country's defence capability.

Kim Il Sung founded the Anti-Japanese People's Guerrilla Army (later Korean People's Revolutionary Army) on April 25, 1932, as the driving force for the Korean revolution.

After liberating Korea from Japan's colonial rule, he saw to it that the Pyongyang Institute, the Central Security Officers Training School and other military academies were established as early as possible. And he developed the KPRA into the Korean People's Army (KPA), modern and regular armed forces, on February 8, 1948.

Under his commandership the KPA won in the 1950-1953 Fatherland Liberation War against the U.S. imperialist aggressors and thus brought about the beginning of a decline for the U.S. imperialism.

After the war, he had wisely led the KPA to play a pivotal role in bolstering up the national defence capability and reliably discharge its honorable mission in the confrontation with the U.S. imperialists.

He made ceaseless inspection of military units, giving primary attention to the strengthening of the army.

He also attached importance to the strengthening of the country's militia.

In mid-January 1959 when visiting a village in South Phyongan Province, he matured his plan to found a new type of militia. Then he reorganized the self-defence corps into the Worker-Peasant Red Guards, putting up the slogan "Rifle in one hand and hammer or sickle in the other!"

And he founded the Young Red Guards in September 1970 and guided it to discharge its mission as part of the militia.

In order to turn the country into an impregnable fortress, he saw to it that strong defences were built not only in frontline areas but also other parts of the country.

Meanwhile, he set forth a unique line of simultaneously carrying on the economic construction and the defence building and further developed the nation's self-reliant defence industry so as to realize on a higher level the work for modernizing the entire army, putting all the people under arms and turning the whole country into fortress.

The President's feats for the strengthening of the country's defence capability are now shining more brilliantly under guidance of supreme leader Kim Jong Un.

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