calendar>>April 26. 2016 Juche 105
Minju Joson on Final Doom of U.S.
Pyongyang, April 26 (KCNA) -- Some days ago, an American weekly newspaper of Fairfield City, California State posted an article titled "Naked fascist" on its website.

The article says that the U.S. is reviving fascism at present, adding that political opposition is suppressed by gangsters, human rights are abused and freedom is violated by the fascist dictatorship in the U.S. and ultra-right forces and militarist police forces have already emerged there.

An expert on American affairs of the German Association for Foreign Policy Studies in a press interview also referred to the corrupt U.S. political landscape in which a tiny handful of big monopoly capitalists are lording it not only over broad toiling popular masses but also over the state.

Commenting on this, Minju Joson Tuesday says:

This tells that the true colors of the U.S., the empire of evils in the 21st century, are brought to light under the eyes of the world.

It is the reality of the American society where justice is trampled down by injustice and the weak insulted by the strong can hardly find anyone to whom they can complain of it.

The U.S. is openly applying the jungle law in the world arena at present, the commentary says, and goes on:

The U.S. gangsterism of driving the world into a labyrinth of confusion, flexing its muscle, is putting the Hitler fascists into the shade.

The fascists met their final doom for committing monstrous genocide, blatantly challenging the desire of humankind for independence and justice in the last century.

The world will see before long the final ruin of the most heinous fascist dictatorial state in the world, concludes the commentary.

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