calendar>>April 27. 2016 Juche 105
U.S. Moves to Stifle DPRK Censured
Pyongyang, April 27 (KCNA) -- The Latin American and Caribbean Regional Committee to Support the Reunification of Korea released a statement on April 13.

Recalling the U.S. revealed its scenario to stifle the DPRK at the 4th "Nuclear Security Summit", the statement said the purpose of the U.S. is to stifle socialist Korea bolstering its nuclear deterrent for self-defence.

It went on:

Today the DPRK is stepping up the building of a thriving socialist nation with dignity, steadily bolstering its nuclear deterrent for self-defence.

For fear of the ever-increasing might of the DPRK, the U.S. has moved overtly and covertly to check its advance.

As it doesn't like the DPRK's development of space science and technology, it is terming the latter's satellite launch an ICBM test, a far-fetched assertion.

On this occasion, we congratulate the great and fraternal Korean people and lodge a protest against the moves of the U.S. government to monopolize space.

The U.S. hostile acts against the DPRK are a big threat to humankind.

All peoples in the world should remain alert to the moves of the U.S. resorting to a series of sanctions and other moves to stifle the DPRK in a bid to hamstring the efforts of the Korean people for achieving the final victory.

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