calendar>>April 27. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Un Receives Letter from Congratulatory Group of Koreans in Japan
Pyongyang, April 27 (KCNA) -- Supreme leader Kim Jong Un received a letter from the members of the congratulatory group of Koreans in Japan for celebrating the birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung (the Day of the Sun) on April 22.

The letter said that Marshal Kim Jong Un did not stop his journey for Songun leadership and love for the people even on the holiday of April to carry forward the sacred revolutionary careers and immortal history of the great leaders in the socialist motherland. It went on:

The Marshal saw to it that events for the Day of the Sun were significantly held on the highest level, the letter said, adding that under his leadership and care the holiday of April was celebrated as the grand political and cultural art festival in praise of the exploits of the great leaders and the spring festival for their immortality.

The Marshal sent a congratulatory message to Korean University on its 60th founding anniversary and made sure that educational aid fund and stipend were remitted to Koreans in Japan true to the intention of the great leaders.

The letter praised Kim Jong Un as destiny and future of Kim Il Sung's nation and Kim Jong Il's Korea and symbol of victory and glory of the most powerful Paektusan nation.

It expressed the will to fully demonstrate the might of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan which grew up under the care of the great leaders this historic year in which the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea will be held.

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