calendar>>April 30. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Puppet Regime's Mud-slinging at Forthcoming Seventh Congress of WPK Slammed
Pyongyang, April 30 (KCNA) -- Shortly ago, Hong Yong Phyo, puppet minister of Unification of south Korea, malignantly pulled up the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea to be held soon, while referring to the issue of the inter-Korean relations.

He groundlessly pointed accusing fingers to the north, talking rubbish about "difficult situation" and "unreasonable attempt" and went the lengths of spouting sheer sophism that it may be "poison, not medicine." Leading newspapers Saturday in commentaries term his rigmarole the last-ditch efforts of the loser taken aback by the dynamic advance being made by the DPRK towards the glorious congress of victors, while foiling the hostile forces' "sanctions" and pressure with the might of Songun.

No matter what desperate efforts the group of traitors may exert, they can never bar the DPRK, the world famous political and military power, from making a leap forward full of dynamism, winning admiration of mankind, Rodong Sinmun says, adding:

Such swam of rats as Hong Yong Phyo will have to pay a high price for daring slander the Seventh Congress of the WPK

Minju Joson says that the Park Geun Hye group is making desperate efforts to find fault with the auspicious event of the DPRK even a bit through its baseless invectives, no one would lend an ear to its mud-slinging.

The Park regime would be well advised to worry about the abyss of ruin before pulling up someone.

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