calendar>>April 30. 2016 Juche 105
Open-air Station for Saplings Built in DPRK
Pyongyang, April 30 (KCNA) -- An open-air station with capacity of cultivating 10 million saplings has taken its shape at the Central Nursery under the Ministry of Land and Environment Protection in the DPRK.

According to Kim Myong Chol, director-general of the General Bureau of Forestry, the modernly-equipped station was built with domestic design, materials and technology.

It, put on a high-level scientific, industrial and intensive basis, has an integrated production system and underground irrigation facilities.

It is also equipped with facilities for measuring in real time the temperature and humidity and automatically supplying water, nutrient solution and fertilizer.

The station helps green all mountains of the country where a forest restoration campaign is now going on in full swing.

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