calendar>>May 2. 2016 Juche 105
Mt. Paektu Tells about Feats of Kim Il Sung for Korea's Liberation
Pyongyang, May 2 (KCNA) -- Mt. Paektu in the DPRK tells about the history of revolutionary activities conducted by President Kim Il Sung to liberate the country from the Japanese imperialist aggressors through armed struggle.

In the period of anti-Japanese armed struggle, he had waged victorious guerrilla warfare in the areas around the mountain with ever-changing tactics, winning fame as "General of Mt. Paektu" and "Tiger of Mt. Paektu".

Legends about him were told among Koreans whenever the Kim Il Sung-led guerrilla army won battles against the Japanese aggression troops. Typical of those many legends is a story that "General Kim Il Sung knows the providence of the universe".

Meanwhile, inhabitants composed popular songs in high praise of him such as "The General Star over Mt. Paektu", calling him the "Savior of the fellow countrymen with the spirit of Mt. Paektu" or "Heaven-born saint bringing all blessings to the people".

Also, guerrillas and inhabitants wrote on many trees such slogans showing their indomitable will to hold Kim Il Sung in high esteem as the great leader of the Korean nation. They include "General Kim Il Sung is the sun of all people" and "We will always follow General Kim Il Sung as our great leader".

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