calendar>>May 3. 2016 Juche 105
Day of Sun Praised by Syrian, British Newspapers
Pyongyang, May 3 (KCNA) -- Syrian and British newspapers carried articles praising President Kim Il Sung on the occasion of his birth anniversary.

The Syrian newspaper Al Baath on April 14 said in an article titled "People's Korea celebrates birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung" that the Korean people were praising the President as the sun, adding that this is an expression of the noble respect to the great man who performed big feats in liberating Korea and accomplishing independence and development.

The newspaper said that the President made a great contribution to the cause of anti-imperialist independence and that the exploits he performed in the world national liberation struggle in colonies will be cherished by progressive mankind.

The Syrian newspaper Al Nour on April 13 in an article titled "104th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung" said that the President was so concerned about the improvement of the people's living standard while making ceaseless journey of field guidance.

It noted that the President who provided new school uniforms to all students across the country was very pleased to see the schoolchildren wearing new school uniforms and took their photos.

The British newspaper The New Worker on April 8 said in an article titled "In congratulation of birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung" that the President who was a political statesman in the 20th century energetically led the global socialist movement.

The April-May issue of the British newspaper Proletarian in an article titled "Socialist Korea unyielding to the sanctions and threats of the imperialism" condemned the U.S. for cooking up the "resolution on sanctions" against the DPRK by abusing the UNSC while taking issue with the DPRK's satellite launch.

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