calendar>>May 5. 2016 Juche 105
U.S. "Strategic Patience" Policy towards DPRK Has Gone Bankrupt: Rodong Sinmun
Pyongyang, May 5 (KCNA) -- The U.S. scenario in which it made desperate efforts to deny and play down the powerful nuclear strike capability of the DPRK at any cost has proven unworkable, says Rodong Sinmun Thursday in an article.

Quoting the French broadcasting service RFI, News Week, CNN and Financial Times, etc. as reporting that the DPRK has emerged a nuclear power in name and reality, the article says:

In the past days the Western media gradually became vocal recognizing the status of the DPRK as a nuclear weapons state but it is the first time that such view has grown as strong as this time.

This objectively proves that the U.S. hostile policy towards the DPRK has gone totally bust.

The U.S. has ratcheted up its nuclear threat and blackmail against the DPRK, blustering that it would neither recognize nor tolerate the DPRK's access to nuclear weapons.

In reaction to this, the DPRK successfully conducted an H-bomb test early this year, demonstrating the might of a nuclear power. It, at the same time, clearly showed the U.S. and other hostile forces what tremendous nuclear strike capability of Juche the DPRK had.

The U.S. "engagement policy" to prevent the DPRK from going nuclear and its "strategic patience" policy of denying the DPRK's access to nuclear weapons and forcing it to dismantle the nukes have all proven bankrupt.

The world is aware that the U.S. nuclear threat and blackmail are not almighty and its propaganda is not true.

If the U.S. persists in the nuclear threat and blackmail against the DPRK, far from drawing a bitter lesson from the changed situation, it is left with no option but to steadily bolster up its nuclear strike capability.

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