calendar>>May 5. 2016 Juche 105
Scientific Achievements Made in DPRK
Pyongyang, May 5 (KCNA) -- During the 70-day campaign, scientists and technicians in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea made a lot of sci-tech achievements conducive to strengthening the country's self-supporting economy and improving the people's livelihood.

The Mechanical Engineering Institute under the State Academy of Sciences completed designing 10-odd kinds of machines only in 10 days and realized the home manufacture of equipment for producing bulking food as well as automatic terrapin-hatching machine.

The Bioengineering Branch bred new high-yielding strains of crops and the City Management Research Institute made a new compound lagging with wastes to put its production on an industrial basis.

The Academy of Sports Science completed an advanced analysis method helpful to maintaining the best health conditions among sportspersons, and a new antiviral agent was developed by medical scientists.

Meanwhile, members of the February 17 Shock Brigade of Scientists and Technicians and the April 15 Technical Innovation Shock Brigade settled many scientific problems arising in practice.

Their achievements include the introduction of embryo transfer method by abdominal endoscope to raise the production of kids, the improvement of tractors' performance and the mainly established information system for forest resources management.

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