calendar>>May 7. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Un Refers to Achievements Made in Strengthening Party
Pyongyang, May 7 (KCNA) -- The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un in a report on the review of the work of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) at its 7th Congress referred to the achievements in strengthening the party and in the party work and tasks.

He said that in the period under review the WPK has developed into a pure ideological entity and an integral organization remaining loyal to the idea and guidance of the leader. He went on:

Leader Kim Jong Il, faithfully carrying forward the revolutionary idea of President Kim Il Sung, developed and enriched it with new ideas and theories including the theory of Songun politics as required by the times and the developing revolution and thus provided a sure guarantee for imbuing the whole party with the monolithic ideology of the Party.

The WPK has regarded it as the core task to absolutize and devotedly defend the leadership authority of the leader in party building and activities and waged an uncompromising struggle against phenomena contrary to it so that the center of unity and leadership is firmly ensured.

It has established strict discipline of focusing all issues arising in party work and activities on the Party Central Committee and implementing them according to its unitary conclusion and thoroughly established throughout the entire party the party organizational discipline based on the high degree of political awareness of the party members and democratic centralism.

It has waged an uncompromising struggle against acts and elements of breaking the party's organizational unity and challenging the monolithic leadership of the Party Central Committee.

The WPK has developed into a promising revolutionary party carrying forward the idea and guidance of the leader generation after generation.

It has laid a solid organizational and ideological basis and leadership system capable of carrying forward the cause of the leader generation after generation and thus inherited the idea and guidance of the leader for decades without slight turns and twists and deviation and firmly preserved the revolutionary character of the Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist party.

It has channeled big efforts into settling the youth issue directly linked with the prospect of the party and firmly prepared the young people to be reliable reserves of the party.

Kim Jong Un referred to the fact that the WPK has developed into the invincible party with the solid mass foundation and powerful military foundation. He continued:

The WPK has developed into the revolutionary party and the motherly party which is deeply rooted among the popular masses and which formed a harmonious whole with the people in intention and feelings.

It has trained the People's Army as a matchless revolutionary army of the Party remaining boundlessly loyal to it and let the People's Army become a strong pillar of the Party and thereby enabled it to perform a militant function and role as the powerful general staff of the Songun revolution.

It has struggled, regarding it as an iron rule to settle all issues arising in the revolution and construction by relying on the popular masses.

Kim Jong Un said it is the general task of the party building to strengthen the WPK into the party of the great leader. He went on:

We should uphold great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism as the guiding idea of the Party and revolution forever and firmly defend and glorify the undying leadership feats of the great leaders eternally.

It is necessary to advance the revolution and construction with Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism as the only guidelines and conduct the party building and activities as required by it from A to Z.

We should strictly establish the revolutionary discipline and order whereby the entire party membership acts as one under the monolithic leadership of the Party Central Committee.

It is necessary to firmly build up the party and revolutionary ranks and augment their militant might in every way.

We should strictly adhere to the principle of the system of unitary management in the ideological work.

We should thoroughly apply the popular masses-first principle in the overall party work.

"Let the Whole Party Make Selfless, Devoted Service for the Good of the Great People!" This is the fighting slogan to be held up by the Party at present.

We should steadily enhance the leadership role of the Party in the revolutionary struggle and construction work.

It is necessary to do away with the old pattern in the party work method and apply the work method of Kim Jong Il's style in an overall way.

Kim Jong Un called for steadily developing the WPK into the party of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and enhancing the leadership role of the Party in every way and thereby bringing about a new turn in the historic struggle for modeling the whole society on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism.

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