calendar>>May 17. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK's Access to Nukes Is Attributable to U.S. Hostile Policy: Rodong Sinmun
Pyongyang, May 17 (KCNA) -- The balance of forces on the earth has dramatically changed owing to the DPRK's access to nuclear weapons and this is mainly attributable to the U.S. hostile policy toward the former, says Rodong Sinmun Tuesday in an article.

The article goes on:

Peace can be preserved and protected only by powerful arms, not by talking or writing.

The DPRK took an independent counteraction against the hostile acts of the U.S. to physically bring down it. For the DPRK to cope with the threat of the hostile forces with measures for self-defence is an inviolable right as it is a legitimate right of a sovereign state stipulated in the UN Charter.

The U.S. is the chief criminal that spawned the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula and compelled the DPRK to have access to nukes and is posing the potential nuclear threat to it.

Being a non-nuclear state by nature, the DPRK more ardently desired denuclearization on the peninsula than any others and made every possible effort for the denuclearization of the peninsula since the U.S. started introducing nuclear weapons into south Korea.

But, all this proved futile due to the U.S.

The reality proves that no issue can be solved but only confrontation and danger of conflict will be escalated unless the U.S. deep-rooted hostile policy toward the DPRK is brought to an end.

The DPRK's access to nukes is the most right option taken by itself in the present world where the weak cannot protect himself.

The DPRK will not be the first to dismantle its nukes unless the U.S. rolls back its hostile policy toward the DPRK and fundamentally removes its nuclear threat,

The DPRK's nuclear attack capability will be bolstered up dramatically.

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