calendar>>May 18. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Newspaper Blames Chief Executive for Patronizing Her Confidants
Pyongyang, May 18 (KCNA) -- The south Korean newspaper Hangyore in an article on May 10 blamed the chief executive for arbitrarily installing her confidants at important posts.

The chief executive made its confidants take up important posts of major public businesses like director and standing auditor, the article charged, adding:

For example, the former chief of air force staff was appointed as director of airlines and the man who had worked as vice-chairman of the commitment commission of the Seoul City election measure committee during the last "presidential" election was appointed as standing auditor of the administrative body of the "National Park".

Noting financial bodies are suffering big losses due to the appointments of those lacking professional qualities, it blamed the chief executive for installing them at important posts despite mounting public criticism.

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