calendar>>May 19. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Newspaper Denounces Plan for Joint Military Drill
Pyongyang, May 19 (KCNA) -- The south Korean newspaper Hangyore on May 17 carried an editorial denouncing the south Korean army's plan for joint military drill.

Referring to the south Korea-U.S.-Japan joint drill for ballistic missile defense scheduled in Hawaii late in June, the editorial went on:

This is not a simple joint drill for missile defense but a step for tri-angular military bloc.

The joint military drill to be staged under the pretext of deterring "the north's provocation" may spill over to an international matter of diplomacy and security, not a military one.

The south Korean military authorities assert that this will be a rehearsal to be conducted in the field of information in the framework of a contract on sharing information but it is nothing but a trick, the editorial noted.

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