calendar>>May 19. 2016 Juche 105
Social Scientists Hold Symposium on Newly Excavated Metal Types
Pyongyang, May 19 (KCNA) -- A symposium of social scientists took place at the Sci-Tech Complex Thursday. It dealt with the metal types dating back to Koryo Dynasty that were excavated in Manwoltae, Kaesong and their significance in cultural history.

Attending it were officials, teachers, researchers, lecturers, journalists and editors in the fields of science, education, preservation of national heritages and media.

Speeches were made under the titles "On the excavation of metal types in Manwoltae, Kaesong", "On the period of casting metal types excavated in Manwoltae, Kaesong", "13th Century was a heyday in the use of metal types in Koryo" and "On significance in cultural history of Koryo metal types unearthed in Manwoltae, Kaesong ".

The speakers explained how four metal types were excavated in Manwoldae of Kaesong, site of the royal palace of Koryo Dynasty, in April and described their shape, size and quality. Recalling the fact that no other architecture had been built in Manwoltae for about 700 years, the speakers ascertained to the fact that the newly excavated metal types belong to Koryo Dynasty.

They said that given the clear origin of those metal types and characteristics of their style it is certain they were cast in the period from the first half of the 12th century to the first half of the 13th century and that the casting of metal types was pushed forward as a nationwide project in this period.

Many historical books eloquently prove that printing technology was very high in the period of Koryo and the use of metal types was at its height in our country in the 13th century, the speakers added.

They said that the newly excavated metal types are of great significance in cultural history.

They renewed their pledge to steadily intensify excavation of national heritages and scientific researches and make active contribution to further glorifying the time-honored history and brilliant culture of Korea.

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