calendar>>May 20. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Media Criticizes Authorities' Act of Treachery
Pyongyang, May 20 (KCNA) -- CBS of south Korea criticized the authorities' act of treachery on May 17.

It accused the regime of mulling formally proclaiming the establishment of the "foundation for the victims of comfort women" on June 22 in accordance with the "agreement" with Japan.

Most of the victims are taking a negative attitude towards the regime's moves to establish the foundation, noting they are sparking social uproar, the media said.

Public criticism of the "agreement" with Japan on the issue of sexual slavery hasn't subsided due to Japan's insincere attitude and the south Korean authorities' lukewarm approach, the media reported, and added:

Since the "agreement" was made at the end of last year, there has been an increase in the number of statues of girl sexual slave in south Korea from 31 to 41 and actions to erect more girl statues are becoming brisk in the U.S. and other parts of the world.

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