calendar>>May 23. 2016 Juche 105
All Koreans Called upon to Pave Wide Avenue to National Reunification
Pyongyang, May 23 (KCNA) -- Choe Jin Su, chairman of the North Side Headquarters of the Pan-national Alliance for Korea's Reunification (Pomminryon), in a statement Monday said that the Juche-based line and policies of national reunification newly clarified by supreme leader Kim Jong Un at the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) serve as a banner for carving out the independent destiny of the nation and bringing about a rosy future of reunification and prosperity.

It is also important guidelines as it gives perfect answers to the principled and practical issues arising in inter-Korean relations at present, the statement noted, adding:

Pomminryon has waged an indomitable struggle for decades despite vicious obstructive moves of the anti-reunification forces at home and abroad under the banner of the great national unity and successfully fulfilled its mission and role as a nationwide patriotic organization for reunification grouping patriotic forces in the north and the south and abroad.

Calling for fully displaying the might of tripartite solidarity among patriotic forces for reunification in the north and the south and abroad in the drive to carry out the line and polices of national reunification advanced by Kim Jong Un, it went on:

National reunification is the independent cause of the Korean nation and its driving force represents the might for realizing national reunification.

What is very important in achieving the great unity of the nation is to realize alliance among all organizations and compatriots of different circles in the north and the south and abroad struggling for national reunification and achieve the solid national unity and ensure unity and united actions.

All the reunification movement organizations and personages in the north and the south and abroad should boost solidarity and alliance and conduct brisk joint actions to implement the three principles of national reunification, the June 15 joint declaration and the October declaration, the great programmes for reunification common to nation, ensure durable peace on this land in the idea of By Our Nation Itself and achieve reunification by federal formula.

They should resolutely foil the foreign forces' moves to disturb the national reconciliation and unity and escalate military tensions on the Korean peninsula and the vicious obstructive moves of the bellicose forces against reunification, pursuant to their line.

There are a lot of difficulties and trials in the way of national reunification, but no force can dampen the strong desire of all Koreans to pull down the barrier of division and open a broad avenue to national reunification at an early date.

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