calendar>>May 24. 2016 Juche 105
Minju Joson Denounces S. Korean Chief Executive's Reckless Remarks
Pyongyang, May 24 (KCNA) -- Days ago the south Korean chief executive spat out invectives against the DPRK at the "dialogue on unification" held in Chongwadae. Talking about "change, reform and provocation by the north," she unhesitatingly blustered that the north would go to "self-destruction."

Minju Joson Tuesday observes in a commentary in this regard:

The south Korean chief executive's reckless remarks are another provocation going against the trend of the situation and chilling the aspiration of public mindset and can never be overlooked as the fair and reasonable line and policies for national reunification set forth at the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea command full support and sympathy from all Koreans and other people of the world.

The DPRK's proposal for north-south military authorities' talks, in particular, is the broadminded and magnanimous one helping achieve national reunification, improve the inter-Korean relations and attain co-prosperity of the nation through dialogue and negotiations.

If the south Korean chief executive has elementary sense and discretion about reality as a politician, she would not disregard the broadminded offer and good faith to treat her as a companion for reunification and join hands with each other for reunification, not asking about her crime-woven past during which she resorted to all sorts of despicable and persistent moves against the compatriots in the north.

If the chief executive of south Korea persists in such reckless acts as now in disregard of the DPRK's compatriotic good faith at the crucial crossroads of deciding the prospect of the country and the nation, failing to come to her senses, she will undoubtedly add to her crimes and will not be able to escape severe punishment.

She would be well advised to drop doubt about the DPRK's fair and magnanimous proposal and take a right option, though belatedly.

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