calendar>>May 24. 2016 Juche 105
Spokesman for DPRK Foreign Ministry on Terror Incidents in Syria
Pyongyang, May 24 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the DPRK Tuesday gave the following answer to the question put by KCNA as regards the grave terror incidents in Syria:

Terrorists carried out a series of suicide bombings in Tartous City, and Jableh City, Latakia Province of Syria on Monday, leaving more than 100 people dead.

These terror incidents are the products of despicable plots of terrorists and forces backing those terrorists to hinder the peaceful settlement of the crisis in Syria and create difficulties in the way of the struggle of the Syrian army and people to defend its sovereignty, territorial integrity and security.

It is the consistent stand of the DPRK government to oppose all forms of terrorism.

We reiterate our full support and solidarity with the just struggle of the government and people of the Syrian Arab Republic to foil the hostile forces' challenge and aggression moves and achieve security, stability and territorial integrity of the country.

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