calendar>>May 26. 2016 Juche 105
Egyptian Politician Censures S. Korean Regime's Unethical Crime
Pyongyang, May 26 (KCNA) -- Wahid Al Uksouri, chairman of the Arab Socialist Party of Egypt, released a statement on May 19 censuring the south Korean regime for masterminding the group abduction of DPRK's citizens.

The statement said:

The south Korean regime let gangster-like agents of the Intelligence Service allure and abduct citizens of the DPRK in group.

We bitterly denounce this hideous crime that encroached upon the dignity and sovereignty of the DPRK and wantonly abused the human rights.

The south Korean regime should take a substantial step to ensure the face-to-face meeting of the parents with their abducted daughters in Seoul.

The south Korean regime should apologize to the DPRK for the crime and take a step to repatriate the abductees without delay.

Affirming our positive support for the DPRK, we demand the UN and all other international bodies take a prompt measure to prevent the aggravation of situation to be entailed by the abduction case and guarantee the impartiality of the human rights.

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