calendar>>May 28. 2016 Juche 105
Confrontational Maniacs Will Not Evade Merciless Punishment: DPRK Scholar
Pyongyang, May 28 (KCNA) -- The south Korean puppet military group responded with its reckless military provocation to the DPRK's repeated proposals for a working-level contact to ensure military detente, durable peace and security on the Korean peninsula.

According to a crucial report released by the Supreme Command of the Korean People's Army, the south Korean puppet military gangsters committed a grave military provocation in the West Sea of Korea on May 27.

In this regard, Dr. So Song Il, director of the Socio-politics Institute under the Academy of Social Sciences, told KCNA:

The gangsters intruded into the sea waters of our side across the extension of the Military Demarcation Line and indiscriminately fired gun shells at our navy's unarmed ferryboat. This act openly shows that their confrontational nature against the fellow countrymen remains unchanged.

As already known, the Ministry of the People's Armed Forces of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK sent notices on May 21 and 24 to the south side's military authorities, urging them to respond to a working-level contact for opening the north-south military authorities' talks.

But the confrontational maniacs, the colonial servants of the U.S., trifled with our sincere proposals for national reconciliation and peace.

The puppet military group is resorting to the hackneyed tricks to inveigle our side into conflict by committing the military provocation under the prearranged preparations.

Its military provocation is aimed at shifting the responsibility of the present tense situation to our side and branding our proposals as "propaganda offensive bereft of sincerity" and "camouflaged peace tactics".

If the confrontational maniacs disregard our sincerity and persist in cynical ploys enraging all the Korean people and the humankind, they will only face a merciless punishment.

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