calendar>>May 28. 2016 Juche 105
Foreign Ministry Spokesman on DPRK's Bolstering of Nuclear Force
Pyongyang, May 28 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the DPRK Ministry of Foreign Affairs Saturday gave the following answer to question put by KCNA as regards the fact that Obama pulled up the DPRK over its bolstering of nuclear force:

With the recent G-7 Summit in Japan as an occasion, Obama repeatedly made remarks slandering the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

He said the DPRK "commits such provocation as not only development of nuclear weapons but also their proliferation" and it is "the biggest obstacle to building a world without nuclear weapons ". He also criticized the DPRK's nuclear and ballistic missile programs as a "threat to the region, the U.S. and the world".

The remarks are a revelation of his wicked intention to cover up the true colors of the U.S., a criminal that inflicted nuclear holocaust on mankind, and evade the world community's strong accusations against him persistently seeking a world domination based on nukes while making a mockery of the world with the deceptive signboard of "nuclear-free world".

It is the height of shamelessness for Obama to talk about denuclearization in Japan where the U.S. dropped nuclear bombs.

The plan for a "world without nuclear weapons", taken up by him after coming to power, was prompted by his intention to weaken other countries' military muscle while bolstering up the nuclear war means of the U.S.

But, such cunning double-dealing tactics of the U.S. have faced a failure, being rejected by the world society.

If the U.S. had been truly interested in the global denuclearization, it should have dismantled its nukes before others and stopped its nuclear threat and blackmail against other countries and nations.

The U.S. expects nuclear dismantlement from the DPRK while persisting in its hostile policy toward the latter with a nuclear stick. This is no more than a daydream just like wishing for a chicken from a boiled egg.

As already declared, the DPRK will bolster up its self-defensive nuclear force in quality and quantity, constantly holding fast to the strategic line of simultaneously pushing forward the economic construction and the building of nuclear force, as long as the imperialists continue their nuclear threat and arbitrary practices.

It will also honestly implement its non-proliferation duty before the world society as a responsible nuclear weapons state and strive for the global denuclearization.

No matter what false propaganda the U.S. may resort to, it can not deny the position of the DPRK, a nuclear weapons state for independence and justice.

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