calendar>>May 30. 2016 Juche 105
Exhibition and Public Presentation of Scientific and Technological Achievements in Field of Fisheries Held
Pyongyang, May 30 (KCNA) -- A national exhibition and public presentation of scientific and technological achievements in the field of fisheries were held at the Sci-Tech Complex from May 25 to 30.

Present there were teachers, scientists, technicians and officials of dozens of units including Kim Il Sung University, Kim Chaek University of Technology, the Fishery Science Information Institute of the Branch Academy of Fishery of the State Academy of Sciences, Wonsan University of Fisheries and the Sinpho Pelagic Fishery Complex.

Hundreds of products were displayed and more than 100 papers were presented at the exhibition and public presentation. They were divided into six panels including fishing and aquatic resources, fishing boats and fishing tackles and culture.

Lectures were also given during the event.

Present at the closing ceremony held on Monday were officials concerned and scientists, technicians, teachers and officials in the fields of fisheries and fish farming.

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