calendar>>June 1. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Un's Line and Policies for National Reunification Favored by Christian Federation Chief
Pyongyang, June 1 (KCNA) -- Kang Myong Chol, chairman of the Central Committee of the Christian Federation of Korea, made public a statement on Wednesday in support of the line and policies for national reunification advanced by supreme leader Kim Jong Un.

In his report made at the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea Kim Jong Un comprehensively clarified the validity and vitality of the line of independent reunification and proposals for national reunification set forth by President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il, and laid down policies for holding high the banner of national independence and great national unity, ensuring durable peace on the Korean peninsula and realizing reunification by federal formula, Kang said.

He fully supported Kim Jong Un's line and polices for national reunification, convinced that they are the great programmes common to the nation which help realize at an early date the historic cause of national reunification, the cherished desire of the 80 million Koreans.

All the Koreans should pull down the barrier of division as soon as possible and pave a wide avenue to national reunification true to Kim Jong Un's line for national reunification, Kang noted, and went on:

The south Korean authorities should stop the unreasonable attitude of groundlessly denying our bold and sincere appeal, without deeply studying it, and take a big stride forward in mending the relations and opening up a new chapter of national reunification hands in hands with the north.

The Christians in south Korea and overseas Korean Christians should support Kim Jong Un's line for national reunification laid down with noble patriotism and positively turn out in the sacred cause of national reunification longed for by the entire nation.

The statement expressed expectation that international Christian bodies and Christian organizations of various countries desirous of peace, security and reunification of the Korean peninsula would extend support and solidarity to the reunification of Korea.

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