calendar>>June 2. 2016 Juche 105
Korean University Marks Its 60th Founding Anniversary
Pyongyang, June 2 (KCNA) -- Korean University under the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) marked its 60th founding anniversary.

A meeting took place at the university on May 28.

Present there were Pae Ik Ju, vice-chairman of the Chongryon Central Standing Committee, Kang Chu Ryon, vice-chairwoman of the Central Standing Committee of Chongryon who doubles as chairwoman of the Central Standing Committee of the Korean Democratic Women's Union in Japan, Song Kun Hak, director of the Education Department, Jang Pyong Thae, rector of the university, officials of Chongryon institutions at all levels, compatriots and teaching staff and students of the university

Congratulatory messages from the Education Commission of the DPRK and Kim Il Sung University were introduced at the meeting.

Jang Pyong Thae said in his report that supreme leader Kim Jong Un sent a congratulatory message to the teaching staff and students of the university and made sure that its teachers were awarded the titles of professor and associate professor, merited artiste and master of sports on the occasion of its 60th founding anniversary.

Sixty year-long history of the university is the proud one in which it has covered the road of brilliant victory true to the idea and leadership of Generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and Marshal Kim Jong Un and the one of loving care shown by them, Jang noted, adding:

The most precious exploit performed by the university is that it has trained a lot of excellent talents of the nation in various fields contributing to the movement of the Koreans in Japan, the development of the community of the Koreans in Japan, the country and the nation, and graduates are playing a big role in the movement of the Koreans in Japan and national education.

A letter to Kim Jong Un was read out at the meeting.

At the end of the meeting a video from the homeland congratulating the university on its founding anniversary was shown.

An art performance was given by students, teaching staff and graduates of the university. A photo exhibition and reception took place.

A grand festival was held on May 29.

Then followed colorful events.

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