calendar>>June 2. 2016 Juche 105
Pyongyang City Ideological Workers Meet
Pyongyang, June 2 (KCNA) -- Ideological workers in Pyongyang met at the People's Palace of Culture Thursday to vow to intensify agitation and information service during the 200-day campaign of loyalty true to the decision made at the 7th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea.

Attending the meeting were Kim Su Gil, chairman of the Pyongyang City Committee of the WPK, officials of party and working people's organizations in Pyongyang, information officials of party and officials in the fields of preservation of revolutionary relics, media, literature and arts, exemplary lecturers, agitators and information workers each in charge of five families, three-revolution standard-bearers and persons of merit in the Songun era.

The meeting analyzed and reviewed achievements, experience and mistakes made during the 70-day campaign and discussed measures to encourage officials, party members and other working people in the 200-day campaign through accurately-targeted political and ideological offensive.

A report at the meeting was followed by speeches.

The reporter and speakers recalled that Marshal Kim Jong Un who aroused all the service personnel and people to the 70-day campaign of loyalty toward the 7th Congress of the WPK clearly indicated tasks and ways of creating the spirit representing the new Mallima era.

They stressed that the achievements made in the ideological work in the capital city during the 70-day campaign are a bright fruition of the wise guidance provided by Kim Jong Un who indicated the orientation and ways of party ideological work and energetically led it.

They stressed the need to correctly analyze and review mistakes as well as achievements in the ideological work during the 70-day campaign and to intensify ideological work and agitation to arouse officials, party members and other working people to the 200-day campaign of loyalty based on them.

The meeting praised information officials of basic party organizations who contributed to glorifying the 7th Congress of the WPK as the great heyday in the revolution.

The participants in the meeting watched a video dealing with the fighting spirit displayed by party information officials in the city and their achievements made during the 70-day campaign and enjoyed an agitation performance.

At the end of the meeting loudspeaker agitation vans left for their destination.

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