calendar>>June 2. 2016 Juche 105
Inevitable Is Imperialist Reactionary Forces' Decline and Ruin: Rodong Sinmun
Pyongyang, June 3 (KCNA) -- No matter what desperate efforts the imperialist reactionary forces may make, they will not help stop going to ruin, says Rodong Sinmun Friday in an article.

This is proved by the decline and ruin of the U.S., the boss of the imperialist reactionary forces, it notes, adding:

Having grown extremely arrogant since the demise of the Cold War, the U.S. imperialists have resorted to high-handed and arbitrary practices, disclosing their undisguised wild ambition to dominate the world, and perpetrated aggression and conspiratorial acts to bring down sovereign states in different parts of the world.

Human history knows not a few aggressors who attempted to dominate the world but in no time they have ever succeeded in putting the whole world under control.

This goes to prove that the aggressor forces' policy of strength is bound to go bankrupt.

The U.S. decline and ruin find their manifestation in various aspects. The role played by the U.S. as "superpower" does not go down with anyone in the international arena. War of aggression, military pressure, interference in internal affairs of other countries, economic sanctions, etc., are main factors of leading the U.S. structure of hegemony to an end.

The U.S. military muscle which it considers as an important pillar for dominating the world fails to prevent the American Empire from collapsing.

The policy of strength has brought the U.S. economy to the brink of bankruptcy.

Multi-polarization making dynamic progress worldwide is precipitating the collapse of the American Empire hour by hour.

The U.S. hegemony-dominated international order based on the nuclear edge is falling down owing to the DPRK's status as a power.

The fall of the American Empire is a stern sentence passed by history.

Inevitable is the U.S. decline and ruin as it regards the policy of strength as all-powerful.

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