calendar>>June 4. 2016 Juche 105
Expedition to Mt. Paektu Goes on in DPRK
Pyongyang, June 4 (KCNA) -- Expedition to Mt. Paektu by servicepersons, schoolchildren and other people is now going on in the DPRK.

Touring the revolutionary battle sites in the area of Mt. Paektu, they learn after the revolutionary spirit displayed by members of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army (KPRA), who carried on the arduous anti-Japanese armed struggle under the guidance of President Kim Il Sung.

The expedition to the mountain was pioneered by leader Kim Jong Il 60 years ago.

On June 5, Juche 45 (1956), he launched the historic study tour of revolutionary battle sites in the area of Mt. Paektu, together with students of Pyongyang Secondary School No. 1.

During the tour, he made the students deeply study the feats Kim Il Sung performed in leading the anti-Japanese war to victory and follow the indomitable revolutionary spirit and way of life of the KPRA members.

Since then, the revolutionary traditions of the Workers' Party of Korea have been invariably carried forward.

In the whole period of his leadership over the Korean revolution, Kim Jong Il regarded it as a fundamental matter decisive of the destiny of the party and the revolution to creditably carry forward the revolutionary traditions of Juche.

Under his wise guidance, a work was conducted to collect and systematize on a full scale the materials related to the revolutionary history of Kim Il Sung and revolutionary sites and museums were restored and built throughout the country.

And a system was established to ensure the tour of those revolutionary sites including the revolutionary battle sites in Mt. Paektu.

The revolutionary tradition of the WPK is creditably carried forward by supreme leader Kim Jong Un.

When he climbed the top of Mt. Paektu in April, 2015, he said that climbing Mt. Paektu provides precious mental pabulum more powerful than any kind of nuclear weapon and it is the way for carrying forward the revolutionary tradition of Paektu and giving steady continuity to the glorious Korean revolution.

Songs "We Will Go to Mt. Paektu" and "Let's Not Abandon Revolutionary Faith Though One May Die" sweeps across the country and zeal for visiting revolutionary sites runs ever higher.

Steadfast is the will of the Korean people to invariably carry forward the tradition of Mt. Paektu, led by Kim Jong Un.

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