calendar>>June 4. 2016 Juche 105
Revolutionary Battle Sites in Area of Mt. Paektu Draw Endless Stream of Visitors
Pyongyang, June 4 (KCNA) -- Over 71,825,000 service personnel, working people and school youth and children of more than 74,400 units have toured the revolutionary battle sites in the area of Mt. Paektu for the last six decades.

Service personnel demonstrating the might and spirit of the powerful revolutionary army at posts for defending the country and sites for building an economic power made tours of the sacred place of the revolution.

Marching from the Pochonbo Revolutionary Battle Site to Mt. Paektu, they deeply grasped the revolutionary idea and Juche-oriented war methods of President Kim Il Sung and kept the indomitable revolutionary spirit of the anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters in their mind as textbook and pabulum of their life and struggle.

The number of visitors to the revolutionary battle sites in the area of Mt. Paektu has increased year by year among working people and school youth and children.

They felt a great pride and honor of having been blessed with the illustrious leaders when they visited Kim Jong Il's birthplace in the Paektusan Secret Camp.

They went round the log cabin of the headquarters in which the President stayed and historical relics associated with the anti-Japanese war including trees bearing slogans written by anti-Japanese war hero Kim Jong Suk.

Over 1.1 million people have toured the revolutionary battle sites in the area of Mt. Paektu since Marshal Kim Jong Un looked round the Samjiyon Revolutionary Battle Site in November, 2013.

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